Albert Einstein Prize pushed the globe climate change

Arie Pitono, SH

(Please visit solidegosse and solidegosse15 to read more articles about Indonesia after coup d’etat ten years ago).#

Nuclear reaction wasn’t different with chemist reaction cause involving much molecules. Difference both nuclear and chemist reaction on molecules reaction cause nuclear reaction have slashed a molecule into neutron and proton which pushing the chain reaction while on chemist reaction impacted among molecules only to tie or push out among molecules.

Nuclear reaction came from a stone which having high light spectrum and illumination effect. After getting treatment on the nuclear power plant, its a stone had multiple reaction never ending which producing super power of energy. However trash of nuclear power plant was very dangerous for a life cause possible contaminating an air space, land and underground water with high radiation. Radiation was most dangerous disaster for human life on long time even along life of human being. Its radiation effect could raise the globe warming more than 100°C, lifting underground water and sea level more 30 meter and main trigger of tsunami, earth quake, storm, typhoon, thunder and earth crack line along eastern Australia Continent, southern Hindia Ocean and southern Alaska also sinking many archipelagos on Fiji Island, Vanuatu also archipelagos eastern New Zealand under colony of France Polynesia which called Muroroa Atoll. United States America almost every year was hitted by a giant typhoon came from Nevada Dessert also a giant storm along Florida west beach possibility changing became a tsunami without warning. Many high river flood along southern of United States of America as impact from a nuclear radiation.

The nuclear power plant accident on the globe have raised thousand victims such as Chernobil in Unie Soviet and a tsunami in Fukuzima Ferfecture, Japan. A nuclear power plant wasn’t safety for a human being cause high level radiation around its nuclear power plant was different depend on capability their scientist to manage a radiation level moreover its nuclear trash impact. Many under developing countries sought the fund subsidiary from the advanced state but having liability to save the nuclear trash on their region. Finally a nuclear disaster effect have spreaded around the globe like the domino effect of pseudo economy growth among under developing countries. Its all disaster came from a human passion and lush which out of control. Not only worst effect for an air space, land and underground water sources, a nuclear radiation was most dangerous for a human healthy like a breathless, cancer even human body malfunction, madness and crazy.

More dangerous if a nuclear reaction was applied as the nuclear bomb to defeat their enemy. No any humanism again cause the human and the earth destroyed without remain for a long life like Hirosima and Nagasaki ever felt. Reducing a carbon monoxide never got significant effect for the globe climate change even occasionally a carbon monoxide could reduce a radiation effect on the nuclear contamination area. Albert Einstein as the main inventor of relativity on energy with his theory E = MC2 on the heaven always concerned with his invention and planning release the Albert Einstein Prize to reduce a nuclear reaction be applied for basic need of human life.

Muroroa Atoll on French Polynesiaimage
Nuclear tests among 1960-1995 more than 171 nuclear tests.image
Muroroa Atoll before nuclear tests.image
Muroroa Atoll after nuclear tests.image
Cassa over Muroroa Atoll.image

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